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Specialist Architectural

Stone of Destiny
Museum Display Cases

Bespoke showcases for the Museums & Heritage market

Laminated Glass
Laminated Glass

We have been laminating glass since 1943. With over 75 years of experience we are well placed to deliver high quality laminated glass solutions for your commercial or domestic project.

Bullet Resistant - Thumbnail
Bullet Resistant Glass

We have been the UK’s leading manufacturer of bullet resistant glass for more than 25 years. Our transparent ballistic glass composites provide protection to many high-risk military installations, government buildings, embassies and VIP residences and personnel in numerous worldwide locations.

Physical Security Glass - Banking
Physical Security Glass

Our physical security glass is an anti-bandit and anti-intruder glass designed to resist sustained and aggressive attack.

Structural Glass
Structural Glass

Our structural glass is used in modern architecture worldwide. Using advanced processing methods at our County Durham factory, the glass we produce is capable of taking on significant structural loads.

Toughened Glass
Toughened Glass

Our toughened glass is a type of safety glass that is up to five times stronger than float glass.

Curved Glass
Curved Glass

Our ability to manufacture curved glass to our clients’ precise requirements is what truly sets us apart in the marketplace.